Canine MFR

February  15th & 16th (Sat & Sun) 2025

This 14 hour CPD is  provided by Rebeccah Baylis from LGS &  Jo Rose from Rose Therapies

Day 1: Saturday 15/02/24 will be online via Zoom for theory based learning with Jo Rose from Rose Therapies.

Day 2: Sunday 16/02/24 will consist of practical application guided by Rebeccah Baylis from LGS in Somerset.

Myofascial release (muscle fascia release) provides an indirect, non intrusive approach to soft tissue manipulation; gently moving tissue at the surface level, releasing tight fascia & helping to stimulate the body’s ability to re-align itself.

 Fascia is the tissue that surrounds & connects all of the structures in the body. This connective tissue can become dehydrated, hardened & stuck.

Restrictions can develop in the fascia from trauma, poor posture & repetitive strain. During a myofascial release session, a low load stretch is put into the tissue for a period of approximately 3 minutes to allow the tissue to re-hydrate & release.

This is a very relaxing & effective therapy, facilitating the body’s innate healing mechanisms to realign bony structures & release deep seated tension & trauma.

This technique provides an effective addition / alternative to massage for the more sensitive animals & sometimes proves to be better than other physical therapies at releasing stubborn areas of tightness, allowing joints to realign.

This course is aimed at all qualified canine physical body workers (canine massage therapists, physiotherapists, musculoskeletal therapists etc) as CPD training.

£240 pp if you have completed the IAAT Learning Hub Introduction to Fascia online Course then you are allegeable to attend the practical day with LGS on Sunday 16th Feb for just £120 

To Register your place: