Re-balancing The Equine Body Web

Influencing function in the living web of connective tissue; from biomechanical fascia to nerve & cellular communication

This course is for qualified Equine therapists looking to learn fascia techniques

Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th October

This 14 hour CPD is  provided by Rebeccah Baylis from LGS,  Jo Rose from Rose Therapies & Sam Dare from The Healing Room

Day 1: Saturday 20/10/25 will be online via Zoom for theory based learning with Jo Rose from Rose Therapies:  Jo is a musculoskeletal and holistic therapist, with a background myofascial release, vibrational therapies & applied herbal choices

Day 2: Sunday 21/10/25 will consist of practical application guided by Rebeccah Baylis from LGS & Sam Dare based in Somerset.

Becky is a physiotherapist, who has conducted many dissections; observing connected structures in the body via the muscular & fascia tissue, also works with applied herbal choices.   Samantha Manning is a human & equine myofascial release therapist.

We have a holistic focus for this course; looking at biomechanical connections globally in the body, from head to hoof, fascial function & dysfunction, links to the acupressure meridian lines, plus some lymphatic & vagus nerve associations.  

We include some discussion on hedgerow foraging for lymphatic & fascial health.  In practice, we will explore hands on techniques to influence the function of the living web of connective tissue, from fascia function to biomechanical function, homeostasis, nerve & cellular communication.

This course is aimed at all qualified Equine physical body workers (Equine massage therapists, physiotherapists, musculoskeletal therapists etc) as CPD training.

£240 pp if you have completed the IAAT Learning Hub Introduction to Fascia online Course then you are allegeable to attend the practical day with LGS on Sunday 5th OCt for just £120 

To Register your place: