International Association of Animal Therapists -

Equine Behaviour and Psychology


To work effectively with an animal patient, it’s important to understand their behavior and body language. This comprehensive study explores the instinctual and learned behaviors of horses, as well as internal and external factors that can cause abnormalities. You’ll also learn techniques for preventing and managing adverse behavior during healthcare practices and communicating effectively with horses of different breeds and temperaments.

Access to the full online course with London College of Animal Osteopathy – 40hrs CPD.


To work effectively with an animal patient, it’s important to understand their behavior and body language. This comprehensive study explores the instinctual and learned behaviors of horses, as well as internal and external factors that can cause abnormalities. You’ll also learn techniques for preventing and managing adverse behavior during healthcare practices and communicating effectively with horses of different breeds and temperaments.

Access to the full online course with London College of Animal Osteopathy – 40hrs CPD.

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