This talk will cover the basic mode of action of acupuncture and the differences between Western and TCM (Chinese) acupuncture, before concentrating on case selection and how it can specifically compliment other therapies.
Dr. Avril Senior will cover the role acupuncture can play in improving mobility and managing pain as well as the subtleties of when to schedule it in the treatment/rehabilitation process. Both equine and canine examples will be used.
The talk will be followed by a Q&A session so please bring your questions and unusual cases to discuss!
Introducing Dr. Avril Senior
Dr. Avril Senior works closely with vet physiotherapists, hydrotherapists, and massage practitioners in her area. Together they manage a variety of musculoskeletal, soft tissue, and neurological cases. Close professional links with such colleagues ensure appropriate case selection and improved outcomes. Referrals occur in both directions and clients are supported with the interdisciplinary case discussions that occur.
Dr. Avril Senior graduated as a veterinary surgeon over 20 yrs ago and has worked in both general practice and academia. She has been concentrating on her veterinary acupuncture cases for the last three years.
*CPD Certificates will only be issued if requested*