Sue Dyson: Courses and Books
Dr. Sue Dyson is a world-renowned expert in equine orthopedics, with a focus on lameness and poor performance in sports horses. She lectures internationally and is known both for her clinical work and extensive research having published over 350 peer reviewed papers on lameness and diagnostic imaging in scientific journals. She’s also co-authored several veterinary textbooks as well as training and competing at top national level in both eventing and show jumping.
The Equitopia course: 12 part online course + interactive quizzes How to Recognize the 24 Behaviors indicating Pain in the Ridden Horse
Use discount code DYSON2024 for 40% off at the Equitopia Centre
Harmonious Horsemanship book: Use of the Ridden Horse Ethogram to optimise potential, partnership and performance
Use discount code HHbook24 Harmonious Horsemanship website
Lots of free, downloadable content including the 24 Behaviours checklist at the link below.