International Association of Animal Therapists -

Become A Member

Join the International Association of Animal Therapists

Membership of IAAT is open to all animal therapists, veterinary surgeons and nurses, and we also have a student membership option. Applicants should be the holder of, or a student on, a qualification in the relevant animal therapies.

We offer two types of memberships:

  • IAAT Full Membership Subscription
  • IAAT Student (for students)
  • Non Practicing Membership (This can be useful if you would like to take a membership break for many reasons, e.g. ill-health, bereavement, maternity leave or anything similar. It can also work for members who would like to join our organisation for it’s benefits and facilities but are not currently practicing)

To become a member, you will need to complete an application process which includes:

Want to send us an enquiry before starting your membership application?  Please contact us here.

Annual Membership Fees

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