Courses For Equine Therapists
The field of Equine Rehabilitation is rapidly developing with a seemingly continuous, and often conflicting, stream of new ideas and theories. As a working practitioner, trying to keep pace with these changes isn’t easy and we know many of you feel you are getting left behind.

Through our Advanced CPD courses we teach you the why and the how of exercise rehabilitation for horses, so that you can provide a reliable rehabilitation service to your clients and never feel confused about what exercise to prescribe again. You will also develop your knowledge of the use of correct exercise in injury prevention.

The Advanced Diploma in Equine Rehabilitation is the only CPD programme of its kind. During this year long course you will join a community of other like minded equine therapy professionals. Together, you will develop a deep understanding of exercise prescription for horses and take away your own set of comprehensive rehabilitation plans which will enhance your practice and greatly improve the quality of life and performance of the horses under your care.

For those of you who would like to study a short course we also have a bitesized CPD in equine exercise rehabilitation.

IAAT Discount is available on certain courses and CPDs please speak to Katie to confirm which ones