As a valued member of IAAT what additional service would you like us to offer if any:
Your Requests:
- More face to face training in the north of England and Scotland
- More visibility at conferences promoting IAAT
- Members communication area for questions and advice
- Mentoring service
What other CPD’s would you be interested in this year?:
- Canine and Equine Pathology
- Machine updates and offers
- Physio for athlete animal i.e. Agility
- Spend a day with Physio/Osteopath or Chiropractic
- Equine Myofascial and lymphatic drainage
- Gait Analysis
- Canine Hydrotherapy
Would you be happy with an online interactive AGM rather than a face to face meeting?:
- 85% of you that replied to the survey said yes
How happy are you with the service you receive from IAAT?
1-10; 10 Very happy; 1 being not happy
- The overall result was 8 out of 10